
VPN – Virtual Private Network and why you should have one

Your privacy should be a concern to you. The argument, I have nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide does not cut it as we’ve all got plenty to hide.

In these times, we do not know who is checking on our actives when we are online. Every page we access that is providing free services is collecting data about us. The ISP we use for our private or office communication can see all activities that pass through their network, and they can check on it, if they want to. They might collect or store everything for future use as well. On top of that, don’t forget big brother. We never know which government or other agencies are collecting data on our activities online.

To give yourself a little shock, open your browser history and look at it with the eyes of a stranger. What do you think about this person, if you do not know what it is about and why this person was looking at all these links. You could get a pretty wrong impression about the character of the user.

More serious activities right now are the “MITM” – Man-in-the-Middle attacks. These attacks happen when a communication between two systems is intercepted by an outside entity, such as when you are accessing the Wi-Fi in the coffee shop, public areas in hotels or anywhere else. Anybody starting these attacks can not only eavesdrop on your private conversations, they can also target all the information inside your devices. Also, any password that you enter into a website, can be captured if the network is compromised. The worst thing is, you will never know until you realize that you lost access to special websites, social media accounts, your email or even money missing from your bank account.

One of the easiest ways to prevent any of these problems happening to you, is to use a VPN service. By using a VPN, all your communication will be encrypted and cannot be read by somebody that has access to the network. Besides the security reasons, there are also many other, convenient benefits to it, nicely listed and explained here!

There is also a very extensive VPN beginner’s guide written by John Mason. Dive straight in, lots to learn there!

After you have made up your mind that you should have a VPN service, the next big decision will be which VPN service is good for you. You have to start thinking what is your specific need. Look for services that are strong in the areas you require it for, then compare the pricing, offer and trustworthiness of the VPN service. This will take some time and I suggest you start with these websites, which have good comparisons and details about the workings of the different VPN services,,  and

When you are searching though all these data, there will be some providers that stick out for your needs. Make yourself a list of your favorites and then compare their pricing, how many accesses you can use at the same time and special promotions they are running. Search forums about your preferred supplier and then start using one that fits you. If you are not sure, take it for a month or for a trial only before you take it for a year or more. Only when you use it, you will truly find out if it is good.

I, for myself have decided on Express VPN,, it does all I want and on top of it, it takes BitCoins for payment and I have been very happy with it.

Wish you great hunting for the product that is good for you, and it would be great if you let me know which VPN you have decided for.